The First Post

Noah Cebuliak
This Flame I Carry
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2018

One of the things I’ve wanted to do for a long time is to begin publishing my thoughts through writing. People have told me I’m a good writer, and that I would benefit from sharing my perspective. They’ve also told me there’s a possibility that this sharing could benefit others as well.

Recently, I’ve heard quite a few pieces of advice from Seth Godin. He’s talked about how daily blogging is an excellent way to develop a stance of generosity and giving in the world. He’s also said that in writing daily, one can fend off the fear of irrelevance and the loss of personal creative momentum. This seems like good medicine to me, so I’m taking it.

I also realized that Jupiter is about to enter Sagittarius for the first time in 12 years. Sagittarius has to do with publishing and writing. When it went into Sagittarius 12 years ago, I began writing in a journal in a serious and regular way. I think that Jupiter coming back to this area is an excellent signature for me to begin sharing what I’ve been writing about to myself for these past 12 years. I’ve collected a lot of ideas in during these years. I’m ready.

There are times in life where you just feel you should do something. There can be reasons, good ones — but beneath all of them, you just feel it’s essentially a good thing to do. Writing every day and publishing it here is one of those things for me.

I intend to talk about every conceivable thing that interests me and that I think could benefit anyone who comes across this writing. In the past, I haven’t run into that many blogs by performing and recording artists, besides the ones which just act as bulletin boards for their upcoming concerts and records. I’m making a new record, but it’s almost beside the point right now. The new record is a product of all the other things I’m contemplating. I want to share those things.

Here is a list of some of the areas I want to begin to explore publicly:

  • Astrology
  • Tarot & Divination
  • Chaos Magic
  • Self-Confrontation & Vision Questing
  • Wilderness & Ecopsychology
  • Technology, Social Media & Our Culture of Speed
  • Political Correctness & Identity Politics
  • Self-Authorship
  • Ambiguity and Spiritual Integrity
  • Men’s Studies and Men’s Work
  • Music, specifically music I find interesting, transcendent and compelling
  • Poetry
  • Inspiring Books, Blogs, Authors, Places and Ideas

I want to collide all these ideas into one place. I don’t have a particular agenda, other than that my music and my work as This Flame I Carry is built upon my exploring of all these ideas, and so I think it’s time to dig in.

My humble goal is that what I write can be of use to people, and that I can have fun and cultivate generosity and grace through the process.

So that’s it for the first post. Welcome to the blog, and see you tomorrow!

