Hardcore pain (241)

Roxana Ștefan
This Glorious Mess
Published in
1 min readNov 23, 2016

I left you many times,

closing those blue chapters,

holding my broken heart

above your shadows.

You left me many times before,

hopping that your previous life

was the right one;

it seems like it wasn’t…

you felt a waterfall inside your soul,

full of volcanic tears and hardcore pain.

I’m still walking in my garden,

touching all the mystery around,

watching our history

again and again and again.

I left you,

too much darkness in your eyes.

Writing a poem a day for 1 year. This is lucky number 241. Thanks for reading.



Roxana Ștefan
This Glorious Mess

I love poetry. History. Books. Movies. My country, Romania. I rebuild the Universe between the molecules, I draw ideal worlds.