Taking down my bullies one bitch at a time

Dr. Furaha Asani
This Glorious Mess
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2016

So I have this one friend

whom I would call pretty

now here’s the thing:

I wish she felt the same about me

The term that comes to mind is frenemy

but in thinking of it I feel juvenile, and I’m almost thirty

Anyway, I’ve kept her around for years and years

and even though its love/hate

at the end of the day

she’s one of the only ones who truly understood all of my stupid fears

so we keep calling ourselves ‘friends’

even if we both know it’s just pretend

she knows I’m not always confident in my body

she knows many days I want to climb out of my mind

she knows that I know that she knows what she’s doing

every single time she underhandedly says something unkind

Suck in your tummy

Shut up your thighs! must they rub so loudly

Lift your chin up and hide that double

today you do not have the right to feel sexy!

everyone in their summer shorts looks better than you

confined to your uniform of jeans

they will all see how awkward you feel

don’t you dare think you have the right to be sexy!

Well, that’s not what she said

but that was what she meant

I know what she’s doing: she doesn’t feel good about herself

so she wants me to join in her emotional descent

This isn’t what real love should feel like

…if only her mean-spiritedness could go on strike

so yesterday she began again

whispering and whispering

and what started off as a good day

ended with my happiness fading away

at least I had a good sleep

and at least la-la-land could keep

me away from the cruel bitch

the mean-spirited witch

who makes it her mission to make me feel like my body will never be good enough

so this morning I looked in the mirror and told her to shut the fuck up!

Posted with Love, Respect & Gratitude by: H. Nemesis Nyx



Dr. Furaha Asani
This Glorious Mess

Migrant. Postdoctoral researcher. Teacher. Mental Health Advocate. Writer. Professional in the streets, loud on the sheets of paper.