my journal / 13 years old

Take a chance on me

a 13 year-old on a BBS

Justin Jackson
3 min readJun 7, 2013


My daughter found my journal. We just sat and laughed at many pages; one of my favourites is this entry I wrote when I was 13 (1994):

Hello! Life is good! I have be the co-systems operator at Alberta Future BBS for nearly 3 months. I do mostly artwork as well as some other tasks. With my help the BBS has jumped from 35 users to 236 (in 3 months!).

Absolute Future BBS was based in Edmonton and was run by Shawn Logan. It was also one of the first local boards to use a GUI (Roboboard/FX).

Roboboard/FX was brilliant BBS software written by Seth Hamilton. Before the first web browser, it introduced a GUI to BBS systems.

Bulletin board systems (BBS) were really the precursor to the web the way we know it today: a hobbyist (the “SysOp”) would run BBS software on their home computer, and allow outsiders to connect via a phone line and modem. Popular boards would have multiple phone lines so more than one user could connect at a time. Once on the board you could use message boards, play games, and download files (known as “warez”).

As a teenaged geek who loved computers, being asked to be a co-SysOp was a big deal. I remember working really hard to advertise our re-launch: I posted on usenet groups, on FidoNet, invited people personally on message boards, and did ANSI and Roboboard artwork for other BBSes in exchange for advertising.

Thinking back, Shawn Logan did something amazing: he took a chance on a 13 year old kid he’d never met face-to-face. To this day we’ve still never met in-person (although we’ve recently reconnected on Twitter).

He wasn’t critical. When I sent in my first crude vector drawings for his site, he accepted them graciously, and encouraged me to continue developing my skill. He tought me about building my first PC, BBS etiquette, and how FidoNet worked. If I had a question, I could call him any time.

I hope the tech culture is still doing this.

The BBS scene was so small and personal that people would learn your age right away.

But our modern online communities are largely vague on age. We have no idea if a participant is 13, 33, or 63. We’ve homogenized everyone to being 20-30 years old, and at a certain skill level.

If you’re a web designer, you might have forgotten that you once started building sites in Flash or Dreamweaver.

If you’re a developer, you might have forgetten that your first foray into programming was HyperCard or Macromedia Authorware.

(Somewhat surprisingly) one community that I’ve seen show great sensitivity to new programmers (and young programmers) is Stack Overflow. Despite their mission to experienced programmers, I’ve heard from several newbies who’ve been graciously accepted there. I wonder if it has something to do with having a user’s age on their profile.

Everyone has to start somewhere. Let’s welcome new participants with open arms. Let’s be sensitive to the fact that some people in online forums might be… 13 years old.

Let’s take a chance on them.

