A Heart Strangely Warmed

Erlend Førsund
2 min readApr 27, 2013

I was raised in a Christian home, but never experienced the supernatural until one beautiful night in July 2002.

I was sitting in bed, reading a book that taught the simple principles of salvation. Nodding along as I turned the pages, I felt my faith being built up, although I was not expecting anything in particular to happen.

Halfway through the book I paused reading, just to exclaim “I believe that” to what I was reading. (Yes, I said it out loud.)

Then it happened.

My words must have released something in the Spirit world, for I was immediately very aware of the presence of another Being in the room, an atmosphere of love that convinced me of it being the presence of the Holy Spirit.

At the same instant I felt something like a “river of Fire” surging into me. It moved towards my heart, and remained there. I could but cry and pray. The Fire stayed in my heart all night, making it hard to sleep.

But it was pure joy, and not one evil thought could enter my mind.

This was a great breakthrough for me, that changed my life in many ways, and made me realize that God is very real, and that He rewards and saves those who seek Him in faith.

It changed my ambitions and my view of life, and gave me a perspective from Eternity. It also confirmed to me that the Bible promises are true, and vindicated the trueness of this well known passage:

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. (Hebrews 13:8)

