from NYC to Panama City, Panama

 why am i back in NY ?

Patricia McKeon
2 min readApr 8, 2014

I got back to New York 10 months ago..from Panama City, Panama! Why did I come back to NY in one of the harshest winters ever…? A simple thing called running out of money ☺ My main reason for leaving was two fold…Iwas a burnt out real estate broker for 25 years in NYC …definitely needed a lifestyle change. My lover was living in Colombia and travelling back and forth was beginning to take its toll….Her brother was visiting Panama and he invited her to come and check it out. The funny thing is about 5 years ago, I had a round trip ticket to Panama as I was going down there to check out their boom in Real Estate and I was going to buy a condo! My dog, Broker however, got very ill that night, and one of my investment properties in Albany, NY had a pipe burst so it was best to just postpone the trip. So, Alexandra went dow to check out Panama and a day later she called me saying “Pack your bags and your cat, McKeon and meet me here in Panama…You are going to Love it…Who knew it would be 5 years later that I would fall in love with this beautiful, fast moving, country and who knew that I would be have the pleasure of living there for 2 years ☺what did I do while I was in Panama City, Panama…

more to come….

