New Holland Island

A few words about one of the best places of St.Petersburg, Russia.

Farhad Sadykov
3 min readFeb 26, 2014

We want to spend our precious time in the best places. Moreover, with the benefit and with our beloved family and friends. If you are in St. Petersburg, you must to go to the New Holland Island.

New Holland Island is located in the heart of St. Petersburg. Not so long ago the island was hidden from prying eyes, because owned by the government and used for the needs of the Russian fleet. Before there were numerous warehouses, building marine prison, the ship timber, one of the first radio stations of Russia and other.

But more recently, the island has become a public.

Every summer, when the season opens, a huge number of people come to the island. On the vast territory they are sunbathe, playing basketball, football and badminton, doing yoga on the grass, launching kites, communicate and more.

There are cafes, shops, exhibitions, lectures, libraries, ecoworking, scene… aaa!! All don’t count!

Last summer I came to the island with my friends at the first time. It was amazing! As if you are going away from the city bustle. I felt the tides of joy and kindeness. As if you find yourself in another world, filled with bright colors and numerous smiles.

Young mother is playing with her baby. He is happy to jump on the fresh grass. Middle-aged man is sitting on the bench and reading a newspaper. Someone sits at the table in a cafe surrounded by pretty girls and drinking a cup of coffee. Someone offers you to buy freshly baked scones with strawberry. And someone sits off the coast and talking about something.

And the main thing is all the people smile! This is awesome!

Maybe it is a paradise?

I really didn’t expect to find in the center of the bustling city this a fascinating place. Here you can relax and gather strength. I added it to my list of the most favorite places. So, I advise you to visit it, if you are in St. Petersburg.

I’m looking forward to the opening of the new season this year. Already thinking to call my friends for a picnic on the grass!

Summer, come back faster!

This is a short video from season 2013. Enjoy!

Sorry for my not good English. If you have any questions, you can reach me by email Follow me on Twitter: @fsadykov.

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Farhad Sadykov

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