Why WhatsApp is not Working for my Relationship.

Whats good for friends is not enough for my partner

Roman Weishäupl
3 min readFeb 21, 2014

WOW, what a week! Facebook buys WhatsApp for 19 billion Dollars! I think it was a smart acquisition, but I would debate on the price. I use WhatsApp all the time to stay connected to my friends all over the world. I love the group chat. I always know what my friends in Berlin are planning and all the parties I miss.

WhatsApp is great for simple chit chat with friends, Facebook is great to know what's new. But are those tools the best you can get for your relationship?

There is one person where I don’t use WhatsApp. My girlfriend and I have been using Twyxt since its and our early beginning. I committed very soon and I believe that switch made our relationship stronger. There is a simple but impactful difference, whether you use a messenger you use with everyone or if you commit to a special relationship app. This definitely brought our early relationship to the next level.

We started out on WhatsApp. Our very first communications were done on it. However, I switched phones since then and all messages from that time are lost and gone! People don’t realize that everything is somehow tight to your phone. We are not talking about a conversation with friends, it is my love conversation. The love letters of our times are trusted to systems that are not built to last long. Have you tried to find old and sweet messages? Have you tried to find the message from last weekend? They all seem lost in space and the mist of the digital universe. I'm just so glad that everything from our first day of using Twyxt is safely and securely stored in the app. And the best of all, it is easily accessible at all time.

I know when I get an important message

WhatsApp is made for the masses and not for the special person in my life. I get plenty of messages every day. Emails, Hangouts, Facebook and of course WhatsApp. However, in order to stay focused, I always know when my girlfriend sent me something. All I need is the special sound and the Twyxt icon to know that this is something I want to check. I'm sorry to my friends, but you all come 2nd in my communication. That is also why our private app made it on my dock.

Security and privacy is another topic. WhatsApp has been criticized for a lack of interest in security issues. You don’t have to be a hacker to intercept those messages. Similar to SMS, those message services don’t do anything to protect your communication. Who knows what will happen once Facebook will start interfering. At least with my girlfriend, I like a little security and privacy!

It will be interesting to see how WhatsApp will develop in the future. One thing is for sure: With the most important person in my life, I need a special space just for the two of us! How about you? How do you keep track of your messages? Are you worried about privacy? About losing messages/photos? Have you ever thought about a special communication tool for your relationship?

Post a comment and let me know what you think and how you communicate in your love relationship!



Roman Weishäupl

Entrepreneur, Futurist and Speaker. Lover of new things, Innovations, Cyber Security and Founder at SafeRoom, www.saferoom.io. www.weishaupl.com