Write for writing’s sake

If you can’t find a reason to write, write anyways.

Robbie Williford


Many of us self-proclaimed writers often write because it feels good. It gives our brains a chance to catch up with the rest of our lives. It gives our minds a chance to make sense of the rest of our world. More importantly, it gives our feelings a chance to feel worth something.

But when we lose sight of that, we stop writing because we aren’t producing like we feel like we should be.

That’s what Seth Godin calls ‘the Dip’. We hit a point where we feel like we can’t go further and we quit. And that’s completely okay.

But what would happen if instead of quitting, you kept going? What would that look like? What would that feel like?

I can tell you from experience: having a dedication to writing is both very easy and very hard. If you have the inspiration to consistently write every single day, it’s easy. If you, for the life of you, can’t muster up anything to write about, it’s hard.

Through those hard moments, write anyways. It’s tough, I know. It feels like theres nothing worth writing down in your head or your heart. But keep going. Write for writing’s sake; for the simple fact that not writing would mean that you’re not making any progress anywhere.

Write because it matters. Write because you matter. Write because the world may be listening at any given second, and you owe it to the world. Or because you owe it to yourself. And that could make all the difference.



Robbie Williford

Observer of the human experience. Seeker of progress. Believer of bravery. Letter writer. Storyteller. Unconditional positive regard. #SAPro at @BallState.