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3 Reasons I Love

Evan Guerra
This is Eternity


This is going to be short and sweet. Sharp points why I Love

I got into blogging several years ago. I made several attempts at creating various websites. Learned WordPress. Worked on creating what I thought was great content. Then shared it with the world.

Crickets. Depression.

I built no audience what so ever. has recently re-ignited my drive to blog. Here I launch into my first reason.

1. It’s nice to be noticed

One thing I loved immediately on when signing up late 2015 was the opportunity to begin commanding a following of people interested or at-least partially interested in your content. It’s nice to be noticed. I felt trapped on a deserted island with my own website efforts. gives you a sense of belonging and a means to an end. Blog and get noticed.

2. Think. Write. Press Enter

I’m sure all Medium bloggers agree on this point. Mediums user interface is a pleasure to navigate and to create content on. Creating a new story, uploading your photos and hyperlinking. So simple. So convenient for bloggers who work sporadically like I do. Idea pops up. Idea gets created. Medium is in my opinion the best blogging platform available.

3. The Motivation BABY

I find in general the content on is mainly motivational. People who are highly dedicated to their professions out to help others. Creative type individuals sharing their craft to inspire others. There are some super creators on I’ve grown tired of Facebook. It’s often a drag filled with more bad than good. I now spend more time on here than FB. has a huge fan in me.



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