For conceptualization purposes only. In no way to be taken seriously.

With No Time to Spare. Life Doesn’t Wait.

Evan Guerra
This is Eternity
Published in
2 min readMar 25, 2016


Nonsensical & Sporadic #1 by Evan Guerra

It’s already 2016. Nothing or nobody can completely prepare you for what lies ahead. Life is so seemingly short, yet so inexhaustibly endless.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Relax.

At what age do you succumb to the acceptance that life is pre-ordained? I’m 29 and that moment hasn’t arrived yet.

Has it for you?

Or you don’t believe that everything in the universe is precisely how it’s meant to be?

Do you often make attempts at defying God?

You believe you have the power to control the universe?

You’d make a better boss?

I doubt it.

Like I was saying it’s already 2016. I have this unquenchable thirst to start making better use of my life. Grabbing the reins a little tighter.

Most people I know seem quite content with themselves. But most people are good at presenting a masked face. Nobody is truly contented.

We’re so adamant that we can control the outcome of life. We’re in charge. It only takes a quick glance at the state of the world to see how little control we really do have.

Something’s in control. And it sure isn’t humanity. Is there a point to this first edition of Nonsensical & Sporadic by Evan Guerra? Not really. Hence the title.

I will end with this. Life. All-encompassing life is far greater than the I, we or them. Let it just exist as it presents itself. Don’t fret over something out of your control. Leave it to the higher power to set forward the path. It’s kinda cool that we’re the ones who get to walk it. I’m thinking too much again.

Life doesn’t discriminate. And nor should you.

It’s a good friday.

Still working on quenching that thirst.


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