Gerry Scullion
The Human Centered Design Network
5 min readFeb 18, 2019


Exciting changes to This is HCD

I set up This is HCD whilst in Sydney, expecting to record a few episodes here and there, but in the end, have ended up recording and releasing over 40 episodes and has been downloaded close to 180,000 times. What turned out as a bit of fun, quickly became something that became something that I was so passionate about — that is, sharing content with strong and meaningful messages that and empower and educate people about the power of Design.

From day one, it was clear to me that there was a real appetite to learn from within the broader design community. What makes This is HCD different is we speak about Product Management, Service Design, UX, UI and Product Design all as one thing — we do this intentionally as we believe we are all in this together. We are all involved and responsible for the creation of products and services, and we all have a role and responsibility to help them succeed through human-centricity.

But at certain points last year, we had so many episodes ready to be released that our schedule meant we were releasing episodes contextually too late, and became restricted to what we could deliver. This became a bigger issue when we were trying to build momentum on certain topics such as organisational culture etc.

As a result, I believe This is HCD is at that point where it needs to be set up to scale, and allow more frequency of content to be generated along with providing a capability and freedom for our hosts to go deeper into specialist topics without diluting the overall premise — and that is to educate and empower.

After many months of deliberating and planning, we are delighted to announce that This is HCD is transitioning into something very much like a Design centric radio station. On that ‘station’, we will have several key podcasts shows within areas of Design, Research and Product Management. This is an exciting time, and am delighted to welcome some new faces (and voices) to the station.

So here goes, drumroll.

We are delighted to welcome to the This is HCD family;

Andy Polaine
Show: The Power of Ten
Subscribe to Power of Ten

Andy Polaine ‘Power of Ten’ on This is HCD

Design operates at many levels, from thoughtful detail through organisational transformation to the changes in society and the world. As the famous Ray and Charles Eames Powers of Ten film showed, each power of ten zoom level on the world contains its own complexity, ecosystem and details, but they are all interrelated. In the Power of Ten podcast, Andy Polaine talks to guests from a broad range of disciplines about the intersection of design, technology, psychology, organisations, culture and society.

On joining the This is HCD family Andy says;

I’ve been a podcaster on and off for a while, from the early days with Core77 and more recently as a regular host on Fjord’s Fika podcast. As a regular guest on This is HCD and getting to know Gerry as a friend over the years, we’ve had many conversations that go beyond classic human-centred design. With Gerry and others, those conversations have ranged through life and work experiences, teaching, writing, organisational culture, society, technology, psychology, philosophy, and beyond. So often I have wished that I had recorded some of those conversations, so that is the idea of Power of Ten. Design and creativity will always be the launching off point, but I hope that it will extend into as-yet-unknown realms. Think of it as the Star Trek of design podcasts.

Adrienne Tan
Show: ProdPod — Managing Products and Services
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Adrienne Tan — ProdPod — Managing Products and Services

ProdPod will bring honest, real conversations about Product Management. We’ll engage with Product Practitioners and learn how they work in, or run their Product teams. We’ll talk about how they identify and select opportunities to invest in, how they build products customers love, how they measure and continually grow their products to deliver results. Like Product Management, it is broad ranging touching many subjects and dipping into other disciplines. Why? Because Product Management doesn’t exist without others.

“I often hear and see the schism between Product and Design in all sorts of organisations. My hope for this podcast is that the conversations become a bridge so that we may come together to co-create desirable and viable customer experiences. If my relationship with Gerry is anything to go by, it is a wonderful partnership, one which appreciates each other’s views and celebrates the diversity in our approaches. I see the richness which this partnership between Product and Design brings”

Dr. John Curran
Show: EthnoPod — Understanding People and Culture
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EthnoPod — Understanding People and Culture with Dr John Curran

Understanding organisational culture and how people work is integral to the success of our work. In this podcast, we discuss ethnography and anthropology and its relationship to human-centered design. We discuss research techniques to better understand the problems we are trying to solve.

I am a business anthropologist, executive coach, CEO of JC & Associates and host of the Decoding Culture podcast. I’ve known Gerry for a while, and we regularly discuss culturally relevant topics around design, such as organisational culture, conflict, people and ethics. I also had the honour of being a guest on This is HCD podcast recently and really enjoyed it. This is HCD provides a great platform to understand the intersect between anthropology and design. EthnoPod will explore the culture factors relating to design and I look forward to being a guest host. I am not a designer so I hope EthnoPod challenges while also inspires.

What if I’m already subscribed to This is HCD?
If you’re already subscribed to This is HCD, you don’t have to do anything. You will by default receive all of this content like before. Only now you have the ability to subscribe to the hosts that you are most interested in (!)

There are a few more great news items to follow, that I will share in the coming weeks.

Thanks again for listening —




Gerry Scullion
The Human Centered Design Network

Founder of The Human-Centered-Design Network — Innovation Training & Education | Podcast Host @ThisisHCD.