If I Only Had Joy

Where can you get joy when you have lost it?

Ripley J. Cloud
This Is My Psyche


Encyclopedia Britannica pic

If only there were a wizard at the local mental health facility!

Today, I learned a thing or two about the meaning of joy. We may all take this feeling for granted. Did you know that you could lose this elusive joy feeling?

Yes, it can one day just float up into the sky, like a lost helium balloon. Then, what does one do? You cannot purchase another one, nor be prescribed one by a doctor. You just stand there, lost, hoping joy will find you again. Nothing you can do. Or is there?

My mother had a favorite old saying. She used this saying a lot, as it fit in many tight situations…

She would say, in her dry sense of humor voice,

“You can't get blood out of a turnip!”, sometimes adding, “Good luck tryin’!” Depending on who she said it to, and what they were trying to get out of her.

It was good for bill collectors (Right before she slammed the phone down on them) Also, fights with my stepdad, (Not sure what he was trying to get out of her, and not sure I want to know!)

Also, the comment could be inserted for Uncle Sam, a car salesman, an empty pack of cigarettes, a much-wanted toy I begged for at a store, a missing present…

