This Is Nouns: The Roadmap To Glory— E1

Jesse Morningstar
Published in
5 min readMar 20, 2023

There’s been a lot of activity behind the scenes that warrants a recap sprinkled with a few crucial updates, especially since we’re entering a phase of accelerated execution for the whole project. So here are the main strategic fronts we’ve been making serious progress on so far:


1. The Kingmaker Protocol:

This is the crown’s jewels of the This Is Nouns community. It’s a protocol that will give any NFT enthusiast the power to collect any NFT they’re excited about, especially blue chip NFTs. This protocol leverages key principles from economics and a few mathematical properties of NFT price-action to provide a transformative technology that will dramatically optimize how liquidity flows in NFT markets.

It then uses these Optimal Liquidity Flows (OLFs) to do its magic and give collectors unprecedented market-making powers. This protocol also introduces a mechanism that will predictably raise the floor price of any collection on command thanks to its very clever consensus mechanism.

The goal of The Kingmaker Protocol is to create a compelling service that will drive exponential growth for the community by providing powerful solutions and irresistible benefits to NFT collectors of all stripes.

The theoretical work required to design this protocol is already completed. Building is underway.

ETA: The Kingmaker Protocol will launch on April 25th 2023.

2. The Optimus Network:

We’ve been building a scaling infrastructure that will quickly grow the community by onboarding people with the strategic talents, profiles, connections, and assets needed to help the community achieve its endgame which focuses on maximizing the power, prosperity, and prestige of each individual who pledges allegiance to the remarkable culture we are pioneering together.

We’ve focused so far on onboarding professionals who will immediately contribute to raising the productivity, visibility, and celebrity of the community.

We are currently focusing on onboarding developers, data analysts, visual artists, filmmakers, and influencers. Over the coming weeks you’ll see the fruits of this sustained effort which is structured as a set of escalating phases. Details on the phases of the formation of The Optimus Network will be provided in a deep-dive dedicated to this topic.

ETA: Phase 1 completes on March 31st 2023.

3. The Media Production Studios:

The This Is Nouns collection consists of a media asset with high-production value which was released as an experiment to explore mechanisms for funding bigger endeavors in the Nouns ecosystem.

The proposal that led to the creation of this collection mentions specifically the potential for evolving Nouns into a crypto-funded Movie Studio, a Production House, and an Art Museum. For about 2 months now that’s exactly what we’ve been working on behind the scenes. We currently have our first film in pre-production stage. Announcements and material related to this project will be released shortly.

ETA: Phase 2 (massive fundraising) starts on March 28th.

4. The Signature Event:

We’ve been planning a major community launch event for NFT.NYC however due to some logistical factors and timing issues we’ve decided to shift the timeline and expand the scope of this project so we can develop our own signature event for the Nouns ecosystem.

We’re committed to make it the the biggest and most well-produced yearly event in the NFT space.

ETA: September 23rd 2023.

5. The Top-tier Treasury:

Here are our 7 key goals to achieve in 2023:

  1. Be the first treasury in the Nouns ecosystem to break the $100 million mark
  2. Begin building the largest crypto-funded museum in the world
  3. Create the most spectacular NFT event of the year
  4. Fund 3 startups that’ll grow into unicorns within 5 years
  5. Produce a critically acclaimed, award-winning documentary
  6. Institute the very first borderless social security system
  7. Raise 20% of the community to accredited investor status

High ambition obviously flows in our veins.
But high ambition without a pool of resources that is pragmatically managed is a recipe for deep disappointment, as you already know.

Wisdom and the practical considerations of successful project execution require us therefore to launch and sustain relentless fundraising efforts that match the scale of our ambitions. That’s why we must mobilize immediately to form a treasury that is worthy of our lofty pursuits.

The Treasury Playbook systematically breaks down how we’ll achieve this quickly and successfully. Drop 1 of 5 has already been released. The next has already been scheduled.

ETA: Drop 2 releases on March 22nd 2023.

6. The Next-gen Marketplace:

The whole Nouns ecosystem is sustained by the sales of NFTs and yet we haven’t built our own full-featured NFT marketplace yet. There’s so much room for innovation on this front and we’ve been working really hard to fill that room.

We are pleased to announce that we’ve designed a marketplace based on a very fresh concept that creates a powerful win-win paradigm that benefits artists and collectors simultaneously thanks to many cool features such as guaranteeing royalties for artists, new auction types that favor collectors of all sizes, and a brilliant loyalty system that incentivizes repeat NFT purchases, and much more.

Since the marketplace is the primary method we’ll rely on to build our treasury we’re moving very aggressively to make sure we can start testing it within the next 10 days max.

ETA: March 31st 2023.

7. The Incentive Structure:

Team TiN is wholeheartedly on a mission to attain a level of excellence that’s never been reached by a community in the NFT space before. To do that we must seriously acknowledge the fact that achieving greatness comes down to one simple thing: paying the price and making the sacrifices required to produce something truly exceptional and genuinely remarkable.

The problem is that human nature does not like to pay the price and the dynamics of group action constantly create a significant diffusion of responsibility when it comes to making the sacrifices necessary to advance a project. Missing this one key point tends to knock out dead many well-meaning and promising projects, even the ones that come out of the gates looking great and swinging hard.

That’s why we’ve been developing a solution to optimize the community’s behaviors so that we can easily and joyfully take the decisive actions and make the crucial contributions necessary to accelerate the growth of this community towards success, especially in these very fragile and slippery early stages.

This solution is an extremely powerful incentive system that will be running in real-time in our Discord server to reward with our native utility token those who will show up with the exemplary level of dedication required to enable the community to operate with remarkable levels of clout, cash, and class.

ETA: Rollout of the incentive system begins on March 22 2023.

Deep dives on each of these topics will be released when appropriate.
Get ready for it. ✌

This is Nouns,
This is the edge of glory,
And adventure beckons.



Jesse Morningstar

Engineer, Entrepreneur, Empath, Environmentalist. Raising global quality of life by creating an enlightened civilization is my passion. Let there be thriving!