My mum is a super hero

This is us
This is our life
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2020

Got this image as a WhatsApp forward and I showed it to my daughter. I always like to know what’s going on in her mind.

She liked it; all her superheroes bow down to health workers like her mummy.

I asked her, “Aditi, do you know why they bow down to mummy?”

“It’s because she fights the big baddy virus.” That’s what she named it

“Can’t your favourite superheroes do that instead?”

She couldn’t believe my ignorance

“No! Virus is very small! Doctors kill them with Injection. And Superheroes are not real! They live only on TV!”

“So, you think your mom is a superhero?“

“Yes. “

“Great! But we are not doctors, how do you think we fight this baddy virus at home?”

“By washing our hands for 20 seconds!”

That’s enough to know for a 6-year-old. I didn’t feel any need to correct her about injection. Entire humanity is waiting for that cure!

