Her imagination has no boundaries

This is us
This is our life
Published in
1 min readJul 15, 2020
Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

Today’s home learning chapter was about moon landing mission. But my little girl wonders why we didn’t land on sun yet. I said it’s pretty hot in there like fire, we can’t even imagine landing on sun.

“Yes, we can land on sun!”


“We should apply millions of layers of sun cream before we land on sun! “

I was wrong, a boring grown up like me can’t imagine to land on sun, but she can. Her imagination simply has no boundaries!

Another day, it was about dinosaurs. She knows dinosaurs were alive once, but then all of them got killed by an asteroid. She is least concerned about that incident as dinosaurs are boys’ favourite.

“Aditi, what if another huge asteroid hit earth now!” I asked her and tried to contemplate all possibilities of answers which she could give. I thought she will answer like to fire with missiles or try one of her superheroes.

Her answer was rather simple and very quick.

“We just need a very very very very very very very very very… strong trampoline! Let the asteroid hit the trampoline and bounce back into space!”

