I want to excel, I don’t want to win

This is us
This is our life
Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2020
Photo by Ethan Johnson on Unsplash

With almost decade and half experience in IT industry, I still continue to be a programmer, developer or a consultant whatever you could name it, with a few of the organizations across globe. But many of my peers have achieved even more, they climbed up the ladder quick and fast to be senior architects and even CEOs.

Do I feel pressurised? A simple answer is No. I am proud of what they have achieved and I also feel I want to reach there like some of them, a position where my actions can make more powerful impact on the organizations, the people and customers that get to work with. But I am in no hurry.

I find my happiness when I do well at work or if a colleague thanks me or praises me. But if I put my happiness against those specific goals of going up a step in the ladder, I know that won’t last for long. Soon I have another step ready there to try and reach. Instead, I choose to enjoy the journey, and not to worry on reaching the finish line quick.

By going with the success mantra that is being preached in many of the self-help books that you read in your thirties, I see no value in experiencing pleasure in winning, instead I see pleasure in excelling at my work, rest will follow. Let that be on any role, as long as the objective is to help people and making a positive impact.

Some of you might think it’s a lazy attitude and it can’t get you anywhere up in life. Well, you may be right. But I just don’t care. It might take a while, bit longer than expected to reach where I want to be. But what’s the hurry? Are we in a race? I prefer to walk enjoying the sunshine.

