This is Simply What It is Ultimately All About in this Vexed Contradictory Life here on Earth

“Where there is no vision, the people perish……………..”
Proverbs 29:18 (King James Version)

Con todos y para todos*
Ensemble pour tous
Met elkaar voor elkaar
Struggling together in the best interest of all
Tuzamen fur yeder or else………………………………………
But, then again, this situation is clearly simply not so very easy for all of us living together
In all of these “advanced” societies at all to achieve……………………………This higher selfless state of a mutual and of a deeper communal way of being with one another
As, increasingly hurried and “gated” humans living with each other and constantly quickly passing one another everywhere each and every day
To simply really practice truly caring solidarity about and for each other everywhere
To truly practice really loving one another and respecting the innate dignity of the other all the time
Now even ever more across the existing multi-ethnic and multicultural divides, and the necessary reconnections needed across those isolating and alienating divides, constantly being created by increasing and by ongoing migration, immigration and emigration all over
In order for all of us together, to ensure and to continually practice that each and every one of us
Can indeed live a good and meaningful life, no matter who we are, or wherever we may happen to come from, or may be at any given time for however long
Still, we can never give up and we simply have to keep on trying to achieve this crucially important existential goal each and every day all over this little fragile planet of ours……….
For the rest of our busily fracturing and alienating modern daily lives
This is simply because our entire more and more endangered future here on Earth, absolutely depends on it going forward.

©Gregory Gilbert Gumbs

*Con todos y para todos (“With all and for the good of all”) is a quote from the Cuban radical independent raceless nationalist, José Martí, and who was also a philosopher, lawyer, poet and a very important journalist (1853–1895).



Gregory Gilbert Gumbs
This is Simply What It is Ultimately All About in this Vexed Contradictory Life here on Earth

Gregory Gilbert Gumbs is a lawyer, criminologist, screenwriter, widely-published poet, essayist and a Ph.D. political scientist.