Crowdsourcing Community Responses to Coronavirus

As the past few weeks have reminded us, we’re truly better together. To that end, we’ve put together this short survey to crowdsource information from all of you about volunteer opportunities, resources, tools, and tips to support each other. We’ll share your answers publicly on this Medium post throughout the week.

This Is Uncharted
2 min readMar 17, 2020


(Note: This article was last updated on March 19th, 2020 at 10:14 AM.)

Do you know of volunteer opportunities that anyone based in the United States can participate in remotely?



My company is trying to do a few things! Such as writing letters to isolated seniors in Senior Living homes. — Dani

RPCV support groups online.—Stephanie


How are you building community remotely (whether professionally or personally)?

Providing online Farmstand fresh local food ordering and delivery system, providing online education.

A few people from my company and myself put together things for employees to participate in, including: Book clubs, weekly workouts, Blog posting, and PenPals with Seniors. We also do AllCo virtual happy hours. My girlfriends and I also had a virtual happy hour to catch up last night.— Dani

RPCV Jobs page on Facebook, checking in with friends and family. —Stephanie

Mostly via Nextdoor and Instagram.

How are you caring for yourself and those around you? What new steps are you taking?

Connecting with women from all over the world via the Evoke program

Texting a friend who works at small town grocery to check stock before shopping, his own personal offering.

Supporting local small business, wineries with drive through pick up shopping offerings.

Pivoting fundraising strategy for to online… GiveBig will be a big benefit to local non-profits this May!


Staying in my house! It is hard, but the right thing to do.

Online yoga classes through my yoga studio, phone chats with friends far away, daily Facetime calls with family in WA state.—Stephanie

Using the Holistic Psychologist’s future self journal. It is the best tool I’ve found for dealing with anxiety. Insight Timer meditation app.

How do you wish your leaders at work were responding to this? What steps do you wish your organization was taking?

My company provides engagement technology for the Senior Living industry. So we are doing many awesome things during this time for our employees and our clients. I honestly don’t have complaints on what steps I wish we were taking. — Dani

 by the author.



This Is Uncharted

We're charting the course from impossible to possible. (formerly Unreasonable Institute)