Feeding Children Everywhere: A Q&A with Jonathan and Dave

This Is Uncharted
Published in
4 min readNov 16, 2018

These stories are in partnership with Uncharted and Visible.

Visible is a new innovative, and community-driven wireless carrier born out of the belief that digitally driven consumers should be met where they are — on their phones and apps. Together, we created Visible Connect as a way to support nine nonprofit startups that use mobile tech to help people in need and bring visibility to issues like domestic violence, hunger relief, and civic engagement.

Learn more about our work together here.

By now, you probably know a good deal about our Visible Connect cohort and how each nonprofit startup is using mobile technology to solve a range of social issues. Now, we want to share more about the amazing people behind the nonprofits. What better way to do that than ask each of them questions that dive into their lives as entrepreneurs — from what get’s them out of bed each day, to their actual morning routine.

First up in our Visible Cohort is Jonathan Sutherland and Dave Green of Feeding Children Everywhere, who are disrupting the way we fight hunger in America via their mobile app, Fed40, which delivers meals and additional resources to Americans in need.

Jonathan at the Visible Connect bootcamp in Denver, Colorado.

Meet Jonathan, Director of Marketing at Feeding Children Everywhere


Current location: Orlando

Hometown: Orlando

Describe your morning routine. Normal stuff. Grab a breakfast bar and some juice and listen to audiobooks on the way to the office.

Out of all the causes to get behind, why hunger? I’m passionate about empowering others to be what they want to be. It’s hard to do anything meaningful if all you can think about is if you will be able to feed your family or not.

Who inspires you? Passionate people.

If you weren’t working on Feeding Children Everywhere, what other world problem would you want to tackle and why? Healthcare. It’s another major aspect of life that keeps people from being who they want to be.

What book are are currently reading? I’m currently reading Legion by Brandon Sanderson.

Describe a moment you’re most proud of while working at Feeding Children Everywhere. Interviewing a recipient of our grocery delivery program and experiencing first hand that what I am doing matters to real people.

What’s been the most surprising aspect of the Visible Connect experience. High level of excellence and openness both by Uncharted and the Visible team.

Coffee. Smartphone. Mattress. You can only choose two out of these items. Tell us which two and why. Smartphone and Mattress. You can live without coffee. (Editor’s note: You actually can’t live without coffee…)

Dave at the Visible Connect bootcamp in Denver, Colorado.

Meet Dave, CEO at Feeding Children Everywhere


Current location: Orlando, FL

Hometown: Ocala, FL

Describe your morning routine. My morning routine is that there is no routine. I wake up in a different place in the world almost every day. My only constant is enjoying the moment each morning wherever I am.

Out of all the causes to get behind, why hunger? Hunger is one of the most winnable challenges that civilization faces today.

What makes you specifically passionate about the problem you’re trying to solve? I’ve had my own struggle with hunger in life going all the way back to the time when I was a young boy and my family was turned down for food assistance.

Who inspires you? My wife. She’s the most sacrificial person I’ve ever met.

If you weren’t working on Feeding Children Everywhere, what other world problem would you want to tackle and why? Eliminating human trafficking. It’s one of the darkest issues facing our world today.

What’s the last book you’ve read or are currently reading? Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice, Shunryū Suzuki

Describe a moment you’re most proud of while working at Feeding Children Everywhere. Seeing our entire staff rally together as a team to respond in an epic way to help the survivors of hurricane Maria.

What’s been the most surprising aspect of the Visible Connect experience? How engaging the team at Visible is. Their passion for social justice is inspiring!

Coffee. Smartphone. Mattress. You can only choose two out of these items. Tell us which two and why. Mattress and smartphone. 1/3 of our life is spent on a mattress. For me I don’t use a traditional computer…so my smartphone is my only device for work which is another 1/3 of my life. With those two I can post-mates coffee any time I need it.

Learn more about the entrepreneurs from Visible Connect here, and stay tuned for more Q&As from everyone in the cohort! We’ll update them all in our handy Visible Connect library.



This Is Uncharted

We're charting the course from impossible to possible. (formerly Unreasonable Institute)