try me on

Dian Hartono
this is what i would wear to work


Where did all my money go? I will tell you where all my money went. It went into my closet. No there isn’t a pile of cash just sitting in my closet. From the picture and the title of the collection you could say it all went to cloths. Well that’s kind of true. For those haters out there let me start by saying that i am a resent college graduate that is has a reasonable paying job at a tech company. I have a 401k and some stocks, so i think I’m fine.

With my first post I wanted to introduce myself. Hi, I’m Dian! For awhile now I’ve always wanted to write about what I’m passionate about and for a while now I didn’t know what I was passionate about. I love to read blogs and to read other people’s thoughts and experiences. I thought that I didn’t have that kind of voice to share the world. I read up on how to start a blog and one advice I keep on reading about is write about something that you love. Hmmmm what did I love? Well I love my job, but I knew I couldn’t write about it because I may work on some sensitive projects. I love food but not caring about how complex the dish is before consuming it. No what I love is cloths. Now don’t mistake this as shopping blog because shopping isn’t something I LOVE to do. No, and although I appreciate fashion, I feel completely dumb when talking about the latest trends and what’s showing in the runway shows. Also I don't sew, so I wouldn't know how long it would take to make a garment and those have little interest in starting my own fashion line.

I love cloths because of how they make me feel. 80% of my cloths are considered ‘work appropriate’. With any good blog there has to be a focus, and since I always ask myself ‘can I wear this to work’ when I go shopping, I figured it would be a nice theme. In my work place, my cloths are really the only way I can express myself. This feeling may have to do with the fact that in elementary school I had to wear uniforms. For those of you who never had to wear uniforms you might not understand the feeling of free dress days at school. I remember walking up every morning from Grade 1–6 every morning and wearing the same thing over and over again. I remember my mom ironing my uniform every evening before she went to bed. I also remember the rare cases when we were aloud to wear street cloths and how I would plan my outfit out a week ahead of time.

But anyways I’m going off on a tangent. These entries aren’t suppose to be that long ☺




Dian Hartono
this is what i would wear to work

Aspiring to inspire: My writings focus on hobbies, goal-setting strategies, and effective habit tracking. Let's journey towards success together.