2014 in review — and thoughts on running a network based creative agency.

Asbjørn Poulsen
This is where the voodoo happens
4 min readDec 23, 2014


It’s been a crazy year.

Since Søren and I decided to join forces last November, things have happened at a pace neither of us ever expected. So it’s time to look back and evaluate.

Last November we made a decision. We would work together and create a digital creative agency. And it would rest on a few very simple principles. They are:

Get good. Not necessarily big. We’ve both worked at a host of different agencies. Big ones and small. And we’ve both left those same agencies. Typically when they grew to a certain size. Now, we didn’t see the point in growing our own business to the point that it got so big that we wanted to leave. So the plan is to stay small. It relieves us of some of the pesky admin work that comes with scale, and it keeps us from having to do canvas work in order to sustain a huge operation with all the costs that come with it.

Strong core. Networked scale. But we try to stay hungry and ambitious. So how do we go about doing that, without aiming for a bloated head count? Well, for us, it is quite simple. We have a solid core of people that cover the basics. Strategy, concept, design and creative code (this is where it pays off to team up with the downright awesome Michael Vestergaard of iliketoplay.dk), and we have spent the year expanding our network of grade A play mates that help us scale in those areas, and expand into new ones. By doing this, we’ve been able to tackle pretty huge accounts, and ditto projects, and deliver on tasks that would otherwise be outside of our comfort zone. So far, we’ve done print work, identity work, illustration, motion graphics, back end development and integration and even film. Apart from what we’re really good at.

No overhead. Earn your damn pay check. I’ve seen it on more than one occasion. A short cut to making an easy buck is simply charging more for someone else’s work than they charge you. We simply won’t do that. If we invest our time in briefing someone, PM’ing the process or assuring the quality of the work, we will put that in the budget. But we believe that rather radical transparency gives us competitive edge, in an age where clients are sharp as tacks, and demand to know where their money is going. This also makes meetings super easy, as you never have to fear that someone might mention the “wrong” number.

Treat people nicely. Also known as “don’t be a dick” or “don’t be that guy”. This might seem banal, but if you’re trying to build a network of people that are talented, interested in working with you and willing to prioritise your collaboration, it is absolutely key. It might mean letting partners get paid before you do, stepping up to clients on behalf of others or simply letting people know when you appreciate their effort and energy. Either way, it’s probably the most important element in establishing a network that works.

Keep cool. Don’t stress. Choosing to work on projects that don’t develop us as an agency is tempting when they pay well, and there might be some availability in the plan. However, we’ve learned that in the greater scheme of things it pays to stick to projects that move and challenge you. Work of a certain nature seems to generate more work of a similar nature.

Now, this is just my take on our foundation as an agency. Søren might be of a different opinion (I’d be surprised, but you never know). Either way, 2014's been real. And if 2015 comes even close, then I’ll be the happiest boy around.

In closing, here are the magnificent dudes & dudettes we’ve had the pleasure of working with in ‘14

Michael Vestergaard, iliketoplay.dk

Mads Burcharth, mabu.dk

Mette Ehlers, ehlerstration.dk

The Woerks, thewoerks.com

Frederik Krogh, supergeometri.dk

Anders Hallundbæk, uppercase.dk

Stupid Studio, supid-studio.com

Michael Nilsson, thisisdone.dk

Mads Svindt, youlocalstudio.dk

AM, weaream.dk

There might be more, and if I’ve forgotten anyone, please let me know. I’ll add to the list.

Finally. Søren. You fresh daddy, you. You talented motherfucker. It is a pleasure creating this with you. You get me, and I believe I get you. Let’s take this as far as we can.

Happy holidays, people.


