Killing off technologies is dead

Can we all just agree to steer clear of the easy, but much overused practice of playing prophets to get attention

Asbjørn Poulsen
This is where the voodoo happens
2 min readOct 17, 2013


I’ve been there. Hell, I was there just recently. I crafted a headline that I knew would get a journo’s attention and get my article published. We all do it. I mean, it’s either that or plain missing out on all that glorious attention. And attention means business, right?

But there is one particular practice that is sure to get you published, but that could potentially turn around and hit you in the ass. The killing off of technologies.

Flow TV is dead. Radio too. QR codes weren’t ever really alive, were they? Facebook will be dead in a year or two (I mean we managed to kill off Second Life and MySpace, right? Actually, we kill off MySpace on a regular basis.) NFC is close to flatlining, whenever a new iPhone is rumored. Marketing is dead at least once a day, we’re SO post PC, and even lo-tek stuff like the good old Post-It note is reported to have passed.

I urge you to try it. But for the sake of our collective mental health, please stick to trying it once. The formula is pretty darn simple:

The Headline

Write a headline in which you kill off a technology. You don’t have to creative here. For the sake of argument let’s stick with QR codes. Don’t overthink the wording, either. Just go with “QR codes are dead”.

The Subtitle

Write a subtitle that plays off the hype that once surrounded said technology, but reveals what a let down it turned out to be. It could be something along the lines of “QR codes were supposed to be the gateway from analogue to digital, but turned out to be nothing but a weird looking let down”.

The Argument

Next up, craft the article carefully choosing only arguments that support your initial premise. Mention campaigns, where QR codes lead to flash sites or are placed on trains or busses, leaving them impossible to scan.

The Next Big Thing

End by praising whatever technology is rapidly overtaking the QR code, be it RFID, NFC or image reckognition (don’t worry, you can kill this off, once everyone has forgotten your initial article, say in two weeks or so).

I guarantee you, someone will pick it up. You’ll be the expert du jour. And you can do it all over again tomorrow, using the exact same formula.

…but please. Pretty please, with QR codes, banner ads and 30 second spots on top.


