Transit, Climate, and Communities: Why Detroit and the Suburbs Must Embrace Transit panel on August 12

Zero Hour
This Is Zero Hour
Published in
3 min readAug 23, 2020


August 12, 2020 — Today at 7pm ET, Zero Hour is joined by Sunrise Movement, Sierra Club, the Michigan League of Conservation Voters, Transportation Riders United, and many others, on a panel breaking down the crucial intersections between Detroit’s transportation system and climate change. This panel is part of #Vote4OurFuture, a virtual campaign aimed at galvanizing Americans to fight for our nation’s 74 million children with the National Children’s Campaign.

Transportation recently became the largest source of climate change pollution in the United States, passing emissions from electricity generation. While conversations on the future of mobility focus on electric cars and autonomous vehicles, public transportation must be a significant part of the solution too. Come learn about the reasons we must overcome decades of opposition to transit before it’s too late and how embracing it can improve our cities’ economies and health.

RSVP for the event here:

About Vote4OurFuture:

“For too long the voices of young people have been ignored in our political discourse,” said Kimberly Gutzler, NCC President and Co-Founder. “The #Vote4OurFuture campaign aims to rectify that problem by training young people to educate, register, and get out the vote this November for the issues that matter to them.”

This youth-led project includes grassroots political activism, community-led organizing, initiatives aimed at increasing voter turnout among first-time voters and young people, strategic partnerships, concerts, and more. #Vote4OurFuture also works to enfranchise youth who are too young to vote through a vote tripling initiative, which empowers community members to vote and fight on their behalf.

“Vote4OurFuture is a civic engagement and democracy project that works to educate youth in the Rust Belt on the importance of a just transition to a clean energy economy, and empowers youth to take action in their communities” said Madelaine Tew, Zero Hour Founder and Co-Executive Director. “We’re coming together because of our shared mission on the environmental crisis of climate change. Our organizations believe that 2020 needs to be a year of change, especially with the crucial elections coming in November.”


In any social media posts and/or articles, please be sure to tag @theNCC and @ThisIsZeroHour on Twitter and @NationalChildrensCampaign and @ThisIsZeroHour on Instagram. Viewers can be directed to to view the stream.


Natalie Sweet | Communications Director, Zero Hour, |(917) 717–0534

Kimberly Gutzler | Co-Founder & President, National Children’s Campaign(202) 476–9141 |


Zero Hour is an international youth climate justice movement that organizes mobilizations, educational campaigns, lobby days, summits, strikes, marches, and media and social media campaigns to demand urgent action on climate change. Zero Hour fights for intersectional solutions to the climate crisis and focuses on addressing the root systems of oppression, like colonialism, that caused the climate crisis in the first place.

The National Children’s Campaign (NCC) is a national nonprofit organization that serves to amplify the voices of America’s 74 million children and youth and make sure that our nation’s political leaders prioritize the issues that matter to those who are too young to vote. The National Children’s Campaign focuses on health, education, climate and environment, child welfare, gun violence, child immigration, LGBTQ+ rights, youth civic engagement, and more.



Zero Hour
This Is Zero Hour

Zero Hour is an international youth climate justice movement fighting for urgent climate action, and our rights to a clean, safe, and healthy environment.