No Surprise There!

Or Murphy’s Laws For My Baby

Madiha A.
This Isnt What I Signed Up For…
2 min readDec 1, 2018


It’s Day 213 with Little Lioness and here is a list of things that don’t surprise me anymore:

  • At any given time, LL will not sleep the amount of time I expect her to. It’s annoying, even exasperating, but definitely not surprising any longer.
  • If we have to go somewhere and LL is napping, she won’t wake up ‘early’ from her nap.
  • LL will be super duper drowsy, fussy and even crying, in case I want her to stay awake for longer than her awake window — just a tad longer, mind you, so I can perhaps finish something I’m doing.
  • She won’t nap, though, if it’s time to sleep, even if I time our outing in a way so that she easily can.
  • And let’s not forget that wake up time(s), especially when put to bed at night, has to sync with my rest/bed time.
  • Did mama think she can pray/eat/go to the bathroom/feel relaxed/do anything else at all because LL is sleeping? Teehee. Think again. LL is up and has crawled halfway out the room to find mama already.
  • If it’s going to be a busy day in any aspect, LL will go off her normal, very regular poop schedule. Because of course, why not add a poop emergency and make the day a little more fun!
  • LL will throw up right after a change of clothes. Yours or hers doesn’t matter!
  • Is it mealtime? Yup, it’s LL’s time to wakeup/eat/cry/poop as well.
  • Did you just give her a clean pacifier? Of course, she’ll drop it!
  • She will certainly grab and/or put into her mouth that you do not want her to. Forbidden fruit and all that, you know.
  • Camera’s out and ready to capture this special moment aaaaand the moment ended as soon as mommy thought about getting the camera. Sigh.
  • Why must LL play more happily with tags and bags rather than the toys? I’ll never know but I’ve stopped being surprised.

But at the end of the day, I wouldn’t have it any other way. What does get me every time, though? The way her eyes light up whenever she sees me. That’s the best.



Madiha A.
This Isnt What I Signed Up For…

Professional freelance writer. New first-time mum. Residing in New Zealand. Trying to write more. Learning to live, learn, laugh, and let go.