A List of Reasons I Was Called A Know-It All At School
Wearing thick glasses since age 10
Looking like a snob
Talking like a pedant
Always having a book in my hand
Using the dictionary
Telling people when they are using words incorrectly
Correcting grammar
Correcting ‘facts’
Having a contrarian viewpoint because someone was wrong
Having a contrarian viewpoint to piss people off
Having a contrarian viewpoint just because
Using ‘big words’
Subscribing to Solipsism
Knowing what Solipsism means
Referencing classical myth
Doing badly in school
Always being skeptical
Not being sporty
Wearing ill fitted clothes
Not participating in anything
Not having friends
Making only one friend
Answering a question in class
Not answering a question in class
Drinking juice
Liking Lisa Simpson
Not having a boyfriend
Being a know-it-all