Holy Spirit Activate?

Alicia Casner
This Little Light
Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2024


Word Wednesday

Scripture image from YouVersion scripture of the day feature. Download the app or visit their website for more information! https://www.youversion.com/

Galatians 5:16 (NKJV) fully reads —
I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

Does anyone remember that TikTok trend from a couple years ago (I think it was) — the Holy Spirit Activate — followed by some kind of dance, in response to a challenging circumstance?

I do. I thought it was cute, fun, and while I never did it myself as I prefer the camera filming away from me, it hit me one day …

This is not how the Holy Spirit works. We don’t just tap it on the shoulder when we need it. We can’t just call its name and have it pop up ready for action.

The Holy Spirit is God in us.

I’m going to say that again, because I think it’s so powerful.

The Holy Spirit IS God IN us.

This makes me feel more loved than ever, stronger than ever, guarded and protected more than ever … but also move convicted than ever.

How I care for my body, what I view, listen to, think … is all of that fit to belong in part of God’s temple (aka me)?

Spoiler: No. (At least not everything.)

And in that realization, I found it. The Holy Spirit had activated, but not in some cute, showy way that I could capture on camera.

The Holy Spirit was whispering to me — I am here.

To which I want my soul’s only answer to be — I am listening.

What do you think of the Holy Spirit? Do you ever have quiet conversations, feel the convicting nudge? I pray you do!

I pray that this week be filled with precious moments between you and Jesus, continuing work on our sanctification journey that only He can do.

I’m eager to hear your thoughts in the comments!



Alicia Casner
This Little Light

Customer Care Maven by day, Wordsmith by night. I write about faith, God's beautiful creation, and more! Me online: https://linktr.ee/simply_ali_c