My Testimony — Part 2

Alicia Casner
This Little Light
Published in
6 min readJul 1, 2024


Answering the Call

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The Surprise Visitor

An artist’s rendering of Yggdrasil — the Norse tree of life.
Image by Quin Benson from Pixabay

Drum beating rhythmically, the small room shadowed in dark and candle flame. We all closed our eyes, allowing our minds to still, our breath to slow. Buh-boom, buh-boom, buh-boom. The gentle taps echoing against the stretched hide of the hand-held drum.

I sat, no longer in the small, dark room, but nestled among the roots of the great Yggdrasil. I sat, my spirit twined with those of the other participants, all of us connected — bound among the great ash tree of life, and as I sought wisdom and growth in my spiritual journey, I heard a voice.


My eyelids fluttered, but did not open.


My heart sped up as did my breath.

The voice, warm, like a mother’s that a babe in the womb hears. Gentle, ageless. Odin?

Guess again.

A hand was held out to me but I pulled back, gripping the rope-like root that had been my gentle swinging oasis moments earlier as a strange fear tightened my chest.



Alicia Casner
This Little Light

Customer Care Maven by day, Wordsmith by night. I write about faith, God's beautiful creation, and more! Me online: