Greek Riots erupting in the failing nation.

With increasingly socialistic views, is the United States going down the same hole Greece did?

Insight into the practices that are destroying our nation rapidly.

The Maze
Published in
2 min readJul 21, 2016


Though especially evident in this election cycle, the problem of an increasingly dependent America has been plaguing our nation. Official government sources linking to can attest that about $377.2 billion go to welfare programs in the federal budget alone. What is happening is that our country, once so independent and powerful, is now becoming increasingly globalist and liberal in trend.

The Problem Generation.

What was once hoped to be bright and shining generation is now viewed by many as a total trainwreck. Millenials everywhere are almost always stricken with entitlement, causing an increasing in Democratic votes to expand socialist programs. These are the very same programs used in many other failing nations like Greece and Venezuela. They think that everyone should be given benefits like they are rights without having to work at all. That, my friends, is where the United State’s problem begins.

By the Issue:

Free College

It seems wonderful, right? Everyone would get a free education and could go straight into the workforce as an educated citizen. However, liberals never dig deeper into where all this money will come from — for someone must pay for it. The result would obviously be extreme taxation — a major reason America fought against British rule. Is it better to pay for a nation of college students, or is it more appealing to pay for YOUR college alone?


“Welfare makes you dependent upon someone to take care of you.”
-Charles Evers

To briefly explain the topic, welfare is a program that provides financial aid to those who have little to no income. This consists of a great core idea that many smart people support, but the whole system has gone awry in recent years. Now, there are thousands of people abusing the government welfare. They sit at home, eat chips, and use their iPhones, while we are left confused as to why our nation is in debt. Some welfare users admit that getting a job would actually make it harder to survive. With income coming in, they would no longer receive benefits, would be in a different tax bracket, and would find themselves worse off. This has become a true disaster! Governmental officials need to implement new regulations on applying for such benefits so that restrictions can be made.


Greeks believe in socialism, a process where all are paid the same regardless of job or work ethic. Those failing ideals can be seen in our nation today in such implementations as welfare. Without action, the United States will become so dependent on these programs that the deficit will spiral out of control. I know in my heart we can stop this, but only by electing a conservative government.



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