Christopher Palacios
This New Year
Published in
5 min readJun 5, 2016

My morning routine typically includes writing 500 words in my journal as a first order of business. I’ve skipped many days since the beginning of 2016 when began the project began. However the month of May was different in that ever since I added drawing time as a second priority after writing I’ve more easily taken to both activities finding myself with a clearer mind.

5:45am. Wake to my Sonos alarm playing Pandora’s The Weeknd station. Prepare coffee. 5:55amI sip coffee and make a small bowl of either yellow grits or old fashioned oatmeal. Dried cherries, currants or yellow raisins are added, topped by almonds, walnuts or pecans. I’m ready to eat by 6:20.

The business begins with writing 500 words and wrapped up at 6:35. Time to draw. Beginning first in my sketchbook for nearly an hour then moving on and rendering on the computer for another hour. Wrapping up at around 8:30 to take Layla out for her morning walk returning to the desk at 9am and it is then that I begin my work day for clients.

This practice of creative exercise is informed by Twyla Tharp’s, The Creative Habit.

Drawing being my first love in regard to creative expression. I found that the two activities of drawing and writing come easier together than either alone. Once I added the activity of drawing the writing activity became something I did to reward myself and a bigger part of my morning routine not just the start of it.

A series of observations which indicated that my new morning routine had informed many of my choices involving a system of better choice making throughout my day, my week and month had surfaced throughout may and culminating one particular Sunday afternoon.

Three weeks into the new routine I found myself drawing as usual beginning early in the am. Interrupted by sound of hunger coming from my stomach and noticing that time had passed into the afternoon without me realizing, on this particular Sunday I had become energized and intellectually occupied with a joy and pleasure giving form to words and the abstract contours I gifted to the pages in my sketchbook. Feeling vital as result.

Namely the choices available in my fridge were a delight to inventory as I put aside the pen and the sketchbook to prepare to contemplate a Sunday afternoon meal. Almost immediately I noticed the health of options and the evidence of healthy person choosing nutrients not food while at the grocery. A heathy person had stocked my fridge and that healthy person had crafted a Sunday of an extraordinary state of mind that began with a foundation of creativity.

Baby Bellas. Elephant garlic. Ginger. Baby Kale. Poached chicken cooked the might before. Up for a challenge I opted to cook what I had failed at before on many occasion. Fried Rice. Give it another shot.

If its not up to your standards you can try again another day. l’ll take my time.

My brain was in a “do as you do” mode.

Preparing the meal began by peeling 5 cloves of garlic and adding that to dry Jasmine rice, sesame oil, minced ginger and cold water. Those ingredients were brought to a boil and cooked for about 15–20 on medium-low. At cooking time fluff with a fork and set aside to cool.

I returned to preparing the entree by sautéing onions and jalapeño pepper. Adding a pinch of salt and pepper and swiftly moving on to baby bellas after the onions were slightly transparent and the jalapeño fragrant.

Pick up the pace. Do not overcook.

The vegetables were tossed by flipping the pan and up in scooping motions. Pushing the ingredients to the sides of the skillet making a clear hole for a tablespoon of peanut oil. Manage at medium low or hot a mess of stuck togetherness will ensue.

Add rice to the puddle of oil, then the chicken.

Mix from the sides to the center incorporating the rice and chicken with the bellas, onions and jalapeño. Heat all the ingredients. Add baby kale to steam, tossing. Don’t bruise the baby kale.

Again move all the ingredient to the sides. Making a hole in the center. Crack two eggs into a small prep bowl and remove any egg shells. Add the eggs to the skillet and carefully drop into the hole. Letting the egg white cook fully then mix from sides to the center with care.

The meal became part of what was a day long creative exercise of inquiry then flow resulting in certain concentration. I expect to have many more like it as a result getting the first items of business complete by 9am.

Special thanks to Jocelyn K. Glei editor of the audiobook, “Manage your Day-to-Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus.”

My website is currently being re-designed however you can get a sneak peak into my creative process by visiting the blog at

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