There’s a first time for everything

Dossy Shiobara
This Old Code
Published in
1 min readOct 4, 2017
It was actually a lot of fun!

So, earlier this evening I said I was going to start streaming, and rather than let procrastination get in the way, I decided to just pull the trigger before I changed my mind: I did my first live stream tonight.

I didn’t know what I was going to do, or even if I had everything set up right — the stream starts with me figuring out how to get my earbud’s mic audio working — but I think I managed to get it all working!

I was also incredibly lucky that someone decided to come check out the stream: thank you so much, will_50, for joining me this evening. You made it an incredibly rewarding experience for me, and I’m really looking forward to doing this again!

It’s late, I’m tired, but I wanted to get this out there to memorialize this event. I’m really looking forward to learning how to improve, both as a streamer and as a developer, through this process.

Come follow me on Twitch and watch me stream. I’d love to hear from you!



Dossy Shiobara
This Old Code

Living la vida startup, doing professional services consulting, and trying to support my wife and two daughters. Free time? What's that ...