Dossy Shiobara
This Old Code
Published in
1 min readOct 4, 2017

So, back in 2007 — okay, wow, 10 years ago — I grabbed a few domain names: and, etc. The idea was to do a video series (thus, the “.tv” domain) where I would fix or rehab old open source software projects and improve them, a la This Old House.

I still think it was a good idea, but 2007 was definitely not the right time. Fast forward to today, 10 years later, and people are live-streaming all kinds of things, here on Facebook, on YouTube, and especially Twitch.

I think it’s finally time. I’m going to start live-streaming myself working on open source projects and basically any non-private/non-client work, and have a go at it. If you’re interested, head on over to my Twitch channel follow it to get notifications of when I’m streaming.

Obviously, it’s going to be really rough in the beginning, but I’m really excited about being able to finally do this. Hope to see some of you there!



Dossy Shiobara
This Old Code

Living la vida startup, doing professional services consulting, and trying to support my wife and two daughters. Free time? What's that ...