Strange problem when saving links through Spark on iOS

This Productivity Junkie
3 min readApr 25, 2016

This this very strange. Here is the email I received:

And say I want to just save the link to the Ruby course without actually open the link. So I use the save option on the menu:

And chose to save to my Pocket account:

And (supposedly) finger crossed, perfect workflow. But, when I open the Pocket app on my phone:

Here is the link saved, ok. Let’s open it:

Nothing. First I thought it’s a format issue, so I chose to open it in Safari:

Still nothing. I tried to refresh it a couple of times but it’s still the same.

For better comparison, I went back to the email and I clicked through the same link. Safari launched, web page opened, everything was fine. And I saved it again to my Pocket using the share option in Safari:

This time, the title changed, and when I open it:

Everything worked. This made me even more confused so I tried it on my Mac. For the first save, it’s a hopeless 404:

And for the second save, nothing that disappointing was displayed, but it took the client forever to display the page:

Which is different from what I experienced on mobile. Now, what really interesting is, even though neither of them was displayed correctly in the Mac app, it’s totally fine if I choose to open it by Safari on my Mac.

So, any ideas anyone? Pocket @SparkMailApp, or maybe even @coursera?



This Productivity Junkie

Productivity nuts, learning Robotics on @Udacity and everywhere else. Write personal thoughts on those two topics.