20+ Stunning Photos That Will Make Your Posts on Love and Relationships Stand Out

They are free to use — except #23

Elizabeth Karls
Dreams and Stories


Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

Some moments are suspended in time, captured by an infinite number of invisible words that are woven into each and every pixel of the vision. — Lizzie Skynate

I find the above quote to be a beautiful rephrasing of the famous quote, “One picture is worth a thousand words”.

I have published over 50 articles on Medium. The experience has taught me a vital lesson I wish I followed right from the very beginning:

It does not matter how great your article is if no one reads it. First, it should be noticed. Second, it should be opened, and only then it might be read.

As writers, we desire to have our work read by other people. That is how we grow in our art, and that is how we find our tribe — the people that resonate with the work we create.

On Medium, one of the most important parts of your article after the headline and subtitle is your featured image. According to renowned Medium writer elizabeth tobey, pictures can help bring words to life or tell a story all on their own. You can use images as a highlight or the foundation…



Elizabeth Karls
Dreams and Stories

Clinical Psychologist in training. Mental Health advocate. Top writer in life, love, relationships, psychology. Write for us https://medium.com/clear-yo-mind