Always Begin Again, More Intelligently

Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity

Kristi Keller
Dreams and Stories


Image by khamkhor from Pixabay

We all like to dream big, right? If none of us had dreams and aspirations, we’d all be wandering the planet like a bunch of zombies, aimless and without direction.

I suppose some people are content with living aimlessly, but some of us aren’t.

The thing about dreaming big is, we have to pay for it somehow. No dream comes for free, whether we’re talking about an investment of time, effort, or money.

We can dream all we want but if we don’t invest any or all three of those elements into it, we won’t get very far. But sometimes, even with the investment of all three, we still fall flat on our faces.

Time, effort, and money don’t always equate to an executable plan.

When we fail, we can choose to do one of three things:

Brush ourselves off and try a new dream.

Retry an old one in a different way.

Or stop trying altogether.

I’m willing to bet the majority of us pick up and follow a new one.

For us dreamers, we feel those dreams in our bones and we’ll keep pushing forward at any cost. If we give up we’ll never…



Kristi Keller
Dreams and Stories

Write like no one is reading, because it might be true. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story.