Before The New Year, I Want To Forgive Myself For These 3 Things

Excuse me for my “MIA” status lately. I have been actively searching for the broken pieces of my life.

Madison Epting
Dreams and Stories
Published in
5 min readDec 31, 2019


Photo by Jamie Street of Unsplash

I have spent this last week ripping duct tape like bandaids and filling boxes with all of the things that made co-habitation with my ex possible. As I stripped away the last bits of evidence that I was ever there, I experienced emotions different than I had in similar scenarios before. Although this wasn’t my first go with partner co-habitation, it will likely be my last for a little while. When I have said that out loud to others lately, it has immediately been met with ‘Oh, you’re just saying that because you’re upset about how the last relationship ended’ and while that may ring partially true, it is unrelated to the reason for statement.

When I entered into my previous relationship, I was steadfast on the belief that my new partner was the reason why my last relationship hadn’t worked out — a feeling many of us can relate to. We see only the good to start and as feelings…



Madison Epting
Dreams and Stories

Wanderer. Empath. Friend. Owner of the Sincerely Madison E Publication. Author of “Unapologetically Human” and “While You Were Away” - available on Amazom