Do Animals Go To Heaven?

A true story

Pene Hodge
Dreams and Stories


Losing man’s best friend

Do you believe that animals like people return to escort each other to the other side?

Here is the story.

My friend’s 13-year-old Labrador died one week ago.

Understandably, she is torn apart with grief.

He was with her for a lifetime. A baby, a friend, companion, and always family.

She says, “Shep was a wonderful and peaceful dog!”

She loved animals all her life and has had many dogs. She says she is not ready for another doggie, but I’m sure it will pass with time.

She knows I believe in the afterlife, so she said to me, “Pene, I know you will appreciate this story”.

Photo by Leio McLaren on Unsplash

An old love returns

Shep was an old dog, 13 years, but was doing okay. Suddenly one day he was unable to get up off the floor.

She said try as they might he just laid on the floor with his head up and panting. She thought he had heart failure, so she took him to the vet.



Pene Hodge
Dreams and Stories

Writer. I write because I must. Arrive curious, leave inspired. I welcome collaboration, contact