Does Hope Abide in Dreams and Burdens?

Prompt updates and other announcements for Dreams and Stories for September 2021

Suraj Ghimire, MSc
Dreams and Stories


Photo by Catalin Pop on Unsplash

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end — Ecclesiastes 3:11, The Holy Bible (NIV)

A week back I saw a Twitter post that talked about “House for sale”. The picture of the house on sale mesmerized me. Wow! What a beautiful house it is!

Houses in Nepal are more like a bungalow. Nepalese haven’t yet adopted a system of flat. People buy a piece of land for themselves, build and furnish/decorate homes as per their financial status. The house that I saw in the advertisement was a two-story building surrounded by a compound and beautiful flowers flourishing in its home garden.

I didn’t hesitate to say; it is my dream house. Today, if I would be rich, I would definitely buy that house.

But within a moment, I asked another question to myself, is that house a burden for the seller? Maybe they already have a big house, or maybe the owner wants to get rid of it to pay a loan. They have placed it to sell means they don’t want to keep it. Maybe they wished to, maybe they can’t afford the home anymore.

A house that is a…



Suraj Ghimire, MSc
Dreams and Stories

An experienced Data Scientist, I write stories of a random heart that I come across | Connect with me