Eight Advice To Medium From a Well-Wisher

Medium is more than a dream, and it needs to survive. Medium needs to grow

Suraj Ghimire, MSc
Dreams and Stories


Screenshot: Medium Home page

I joined Medium in August 2019. I have seen many broken heart writers leaving the platform because the algorithm didn’t benefit them. Medium brought some change in their partner program, which badly affected earning of writers, and they left. While some writers are earning exceptionally high, this platform is a mystery for many others.

I recently saw a post by Ev Williams, who announced a leadership change to the Medium editorial. I think this change was bound to happen, eventually. While publications like The Ascent, Entrepreneur's Handbook, Better Pub, Mind Cafe, and Towards Data Science have left behind Medium-owned publications in terms of growth and popularity, Medium is still heavily supporting and funding content with minimum guarantee payment.

There can be many arguments to counter-attack my statement, but it is an unbreakable truth that lavish funding to Medium-owned publications has heavily affected general writers. Let me state few major incidents since 2019 that affected writers.

  1. In October 2019, Medium changed the weekly revenue model to daily. Earlier, any earnings for posts were calculated based on the weekly reading. Medium started paying writers daily based…



Suraj Ghimire, MSc
Dreams and Stories

An experienced Data Scientist, I write stories of a random heart that I come across | Connect with me https://linktr.ee/authorsuraj