How to Show Genuine Interest in Someone

And become more considerate in how you communicate

Stacey B
Dreams and Stories


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Coming up to Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d share a few small tips that may just make a big difference for you in showing someone you are honestly captivated in who and what they are for the long run, by simply bettering your bashful side with some common yet clever, communication skills.

These are not specifically meant for Valentine’s Day only, but I mention it as it may be a good time/gentle nudge toward considering ‘breaking the ice’ with someone you’re pretty fond of. Plus, given today’s current climate — it’s all the more important to have a little extra interest in those we meet and/or already know, don’t you think?

They may be those you’ve actually known a while or seen around plenty, or sometimes meet up with through other connections or someone that works with you, a neighbour, the flower lady, the delivery guy — how do you pay them more interest without it all looking and feeling a bit ‘desperate’ at times?

If you find it difficult to approach someone you admire due to not knowing where to start or what to talk about, these five friendly guidelines below could just give you enough ideas to begin with:

1. Pick up on the little things



Stacey B
Dreams and Stories

Natural born healer. Holistic health therapist. Intuitive, empath sharing compassionate, creative stories offering perspective. Proud single mama to one.