I Have Glitter In My Pocket

And I am throwing it into 2021

Kim McKinney
Dreams and Stories


Photo by Jack B on Unsplash

When my three youngest nieces were little, I moved back to my hometown. Not having children, I made the decision I wanted to be around them as they were growing up. My job was ending, and though I could have transferred to another job within the company, even the closest possibility was states away.

It proved to be a good decision. We spent a lot of time together. My siblings loved having me around to babysit, especially because I was up for doing all the fun stuff they were too exhausted to do. Slumber party anyone? Concerts? Those crazy things that parents say no to? We created a ton of memories.

My nieces are all grown now, but I still find glitter all over my house, left from the old days when they were young. They loved glitter. It was on their clothes, in their lotion, in their makeup (when makeup was not supposed to be worn outside the house — unless they were with Aunt Kim), on much of what I bought for them. While I know glitter is the bane of existence for many, it always makes me smile. I love catching a glimpse of it.

What a year 2020 has been. Three members of my family have died. I got a job (after 18 months of unemployment) and lost it a month later. My mother has Alzheimer’s that has escalated at a rate that stuns me. COVID has hit all around us. Our…



Kim McKinney
Dreams and Stories

A non-niche writer who loves a good story. My ADHD mind thinks way too much for its own good, but I have grown to love it. An idea person.