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This Side of the Flood
Thinking religion from an interfaith perspective
Daniel Feeding the Lions
Daniel Feeding the Lions
Captive wildlife scat will happen
J.P. Williams
Feb 13
The Timbre of God’s Voice
The Timbre of God’s Voice
Every voice is unique. According to Mayo Clinic Minute, this is because it depends on individual anatomy:
J.P. Williams
Feb 6
The Great Money Scandal of the Great Dechurching
The Great Money Scandal of the Great Dechurching
Christianity is a money-making scheme. This is a common criticism, and all too often it’s deserved, but the trend of our times is racing in…
J.P. Williams
Feb 4
The Small Film Review: Risen (2016)
The Small Film Review: Risen (2016)
As far as we know from science, the dead do not come back to life. Nonetheless, when Roman Tribune Clavius, tasked by Pontius Pilate with…
J.P. Williams
Feb 2
The Mother Who Entombed Her Child
The Mother Who Entombed Her Child
I was probably too easy on the Netflix film Mary in my review last month, but the film does have its moments. When the Mother of God…
J.P. Williams
Jan 31
True Adventures in Zen Meditation
True Adventures in Zen Meditation
Can it help you punch people?
J.P. Williams
Jan 29
The Little Old Ladies Knitting Circle Test
The Little Old Ladies Knitting Circle Test
I used to work at a church. I had an office off a corner of the youth room, which was in the basement. Once each week, the oldest of the…
J.P. Williams
Jan 27
In Defense of Pew-Warming
In Defense of Pew-Warming
Everyone knows it’s cool to be spiritual not religious. Unsurprisingly, I am uncool. Sure, my return to Christianity has a spiritual side…
J.P. Williams
Jan 25
Moses at War with the Magicians
Moses at War with the Magicians
A multifaith tale of serpents and wonders
J.P. Williams
Jan 23
A Thought Experiment: The God of the Bowl of Fruit
A Thought Experiment: The God of the Bowl of Fruit
Consider this: You and I sit facing each other across a table. In the center of the table is a bowl of fruit. You ask me if I believe in…
J.P. Williams
Jan 21
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