Emotion Driven life choice or Moody

Why we do what we do?

Hitata Tran
Love and Life
Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2013


In life as simple as you can have experience, 10 years, 20 years, 30 years of life. Its all about choices and decisions. Some people would say “do the right thing, choose right choice!”.Well how do you define “right choice”. Living up with social standard? Living as your parents tell you? Keep true to who you are? It never a solid supporting statement to back you up when you are in middle of the life decision. Influence by others, especially your family, your close ones are the most rational decision you could make. But they ain’t always “right” because following what the suggest ain’t always what you want!!

There is no “right”, “wrong” decision since every one of this choice you make you ain’t perfect, ain’t gonna please everyone, even yourself. Humans… imperfection… greed.

The only thing that is true, that it takes a while for me to figure is that: No Regret! You live until you die. You choose what you live for, and you stay true to it. You will miss out on things that aint in your path, but be sure to tell yourself not to regret it! Life is but choices, just decide on how you live it and all will come naturally. (bad and worse ofc)

To you, my love, I do what I can, and till the end I don’t regret it. I just hope you could do the same thing for me.



Hitata Tran
Love and Life

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