Quora Question: What is one thing which only one sex knows?

My reply:

There is no thing that one sex knows to the exclusion of another; sex is not gender.
Gender differences are neither universal nor exclusionary. They are also not even scientifically, philosopically, or…

Quora Question: What male/female double standard do you hate the most?

My answer:

The illusion of inherent differences, that are then purposely distorted and actively used to create a delusional hierarchy.

Quora Question: Have you been raped? Was it very painful?

My answer:

Making this a personalized question is potentially retraumatizing. Please don’t go around using this framing.
But to answer the general question: Is rape painful? I…

Quora Question: Do transwomen prefer to date biological men, transmen or it doesn’t matter?

My answer:

Sexual orientation and gender identity are separate. People of any gender can have any sexual orientation, though there does tend to be…

Quora Question: Are there situations in which rape is morally ok?

My answer:


Rape, by definition, is sex by force. It is not a form of self-defense. There is no ethical reason to ever do it.

This Token’s Two Sense
This Token’s Two Sense
I may be a token to some, but why don’t you spend me on improving yourself and the world? This is perfect for those seeking relationship, life, and sexuality advice.
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