Data Science for Poaching Prevention and Disease Treatment with Nyalleng Moorosi

TWiML Talk 109

The TWIML AI Podcast
The TWIML AI Podcast
3 min readFeb 13, 2018


For today’s show, I’m joined by Nyalleng Moorosi, Senior Data Science Researcher at The Council for Scientific & Industrial Research or CSIR, in Pretoria, South Africa.

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In our discussion, we discuss two major projects that Nyalleng is apart of at the CSIR, one, a predictive policing use case, which focused on understanding and preventing rhino poaching in Kruger National Park, and the other, a healthcare use case which focuses on understanding the effects of a drug treatment that was causing pancreatic cancer in South Africans. Along the way we talk about the challenges of data collection, data pipelines and overcoming sparsity. This was a really interesting conversation that I’m sure you’ll enjoy.

Enter Our #MyAI Contest!

In last week’s interviews, our AI in Consumer Electronics series, you heard from some great people who helped me explore some of the very cool ways that machine learning and AI are being used to enhance our everyday lives.

A few of these companies have provided us with products to give away, and we’re excited to launch the #MyAI contest. To enter, we want to hear from YOU, about the role AI is playing in your home and your personal life, your favorite example of home/personal AI, and/or where you see it all going. So, fire up your webcam or smartphone camera, and get ready to tell us your story!

We’ll post the videos to Youtube and the video with the most likes wins their choice of great prizes including an Anki Cozmo, a Lighthouse smart home camera, or a Google Home Mini! (First prize gets first pick, second prize gets second pick, etc.) Submissions will be open through Feb 18th, and voting will remain open through Feb 25th.

Conference Update

Be sure to check out some of the great names that will be at the AI Conference in New York, Apr 29–May 2, where you’ll join the leading minds in AI, Peter Norvig, George Church, Olga Russakovsky, Manuela Veloso, and Zoubin Ghahramani. Explore AI’s latest developments, separate what’s hype and what’s really game-changing, and learn how to apply AI in your organization right now. Save 20% on most passes with discount code PCTWIML. Early price ends February 2!

About Nyalleng

Mentioned in the Interview



The TWIML AI Podcast
The TWIML AI Podcast

The TWIML AI Podcast brings the top minds and ideas from the world of ML and AI to a broad and influential community of ML/AI researchers, data scientists, etc.