Philosophy of Intelligence with Matthew Crosby

TWiML Talk 91

The TWIML AI Podcast
The TWIML AI Podcast
2 min readJan 19, 2018


This week on the podcast we’re featuring a series of conversations from the NIPs conference in Long Beach, California. I attended a bunch of talks and learned a ton, organized an impromptu roundtable on Building AI Products, and met a bunch of great people, including some former TWiML Talk guests.This time around i’m joined by Matthew Crosby, a researcher at Imperial College London, working on the Kinds of Intelligence Project.

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Matthew joined me after the NIPS Symposium of the same name, an event that brought researchers from a variety of disciplines together towards three aims: a broader perspective of the possible types of intelligence beyond human intelligence, better measurements of intelligence, and a more purposeful analysis of where progress should be made in AI to best benefit society. Matthew’s research explores intelligence from a philosophical perspective, exploring ideas like predictive processing and controlled hallucination, and how these theories of intelligence impact the way we approach creating artificial intelligence. This was a very interesting conversation, i’m sure you’ll enjoy.

Thanks to our Sponsor

I’d like to thank our friends over at Intel Nervana for their sponsorship of this podcast and our NIPS series. While Intel was very active at NIPS, with a bunch of workshops, demonstrations and poster sessions, their big news at NIPS was the first public viewing of the Intel Nervana™ Neural Network Processor, or NNP. The goal of the NNP architecture is to provide the flexibility needed to support deep learning primitives while making the core hardware components as efficient as possible, giving neural network designers powerful tools for solving larger and more difficult problems while minimizing data movement and maximizing data re-use. To learn more about Intel’s AI Products Group and the Intel Nervana NNP, visit

About Matthew

Mentioned in the Interview



The TWIML AI Podcast
The TWIML AI Podcast

The TWIML AI Podcast brings the top minds and ideas from the world of ML and AI to a broad and influential community of ML/AI researchers, data scientists, etc.