This Week In React #3

10 projects, 1 interview, and 9 upcoming events!

Eric Nakagawa
This Week In React
5 min readOct 6, 2016


This Week In React is a weekly publication highlighting interesting projects and active members from the React community.

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Projects aimed at beginning React developers.

📚 React FAQ (react-faq)

A collection of links to useful React information for ALL skill levels. Check out the list here.

🎬 Animating Your React Native App

Animation is an important but often overlooked part mobile app development. This tutorial guides you through the many types of animation using React Native. (Thanks to Christine for the tip.)

🚩 React and State of Javascript

The folks at State of Javascript surveyed thousands of Javascript developers to find out what they believe are the most useful and influential projects. How will this change what you learn or focus on next?

Projects aimed at intermediate React developers.

👍 How To Build a Netflix Inspired UI in React

Jack Oliver and Sophia Shoemaker released this tutorial for building an interactive UI based on the Netflix movie browsing experience. Click here to see it in action. Fantastic work!

💭 Maintainable Project Structure for React/Redux

Matteo documents his journey for a React/Redux project structure.

📲 Integrating React Native Into an Existing iOS App

Did you know you can start using React Native with an existing app? This guide covers the steps for integrating RN into your app so you can gain some of the many benefits like hot reloading.

📱 Deploying a React Native App for iOS

This guide will show you how to deploy your React Native app to the App store in about two hours.

♻️ Component Based Style Reuse

Pete Hunt’s presentation about techniques, strategies, and projects for better managing CSS in your components.

🎨 Refactoring CSS Without Losing Your Mind

We’ve all been there — neck deep in our components, hopping between component and css file. When it comes time to refactor and simplify, how do you go about it without stressing out? Harry Roberts shares, here.

Projects aimed at advanced React developers.

🚀 Progressive Web Apps with React.js

A new series by Addy Osmani on building Progressive Web Apps with React.

Part 1 — Introducion
Part 2 — Page Load Performance

This week’s interview is with Nate Wang, creator of Rekit.

TWIR: Please tell us more about yourself.

Nate: My name is Nate Wang, started writing JavaScript more than 10 years ago. I live in Shanghai, China, my job is building UIs for enterprise applications and I enjoy it. I have created iOS apps, published books, and recently talked about React at QCon.

TWIR: What brought you to the React community?

Nate: I fell in love with React when I had a first look at it in mid 2014. Its revolutionary design shocked me immediately. The virtual DOM mechanism rescued us from the mess of DOM operations; the implementation of component concept moved front-end development a big step forward.

TWIR: Why did you build Rekit?

Nate: I like to create tools to automate my daily work. Rekit was originally a toolset for helping create boilerplates for another project. The goal was to reuse boilerplates in other projects. I realized that it might be useful to share this with others and so I created Rekit. It helped my team a lot. After creating it I was still frustrated having to switch between a terminal and text editor frequently. So I created a Sublime text plugin by learning Python from scratch!

Another reason is the difficulty to create React apps. There are many ecosystem projects that need to be used together with React. It’s painful to learn their usage, to follow best practices, and to ensure consistency between team members. My tool resolves these problems by auto-configuring everything and generating consistent boilerplates. Then, everyone can focus on business logic.

TWIR: Have any of your React projects brought about any interesting or unexpected uses?

Yes. Just after I published the first version of Rekit, Nelreina began to use it and helped to integrate webpack-dashboard (A CLI dashboard for webpack server) which was amazing and totally new to me. Also, users in the community are really nice and no one complained about my use of English (it’s my second language) in docs and articles.

TWIR: Are you working on anything new or exciting that you can talk about?

Nate: Rekit takes away all of my interest for now. I’m thinking about making it extensible so that it could do more things for different types of projects, for us and for others!

Want us to interview someone from the React community?

This Week in React is a weekly publication that aims to provide interesting videos, links, and interviews to help you quickly catch up on the latest React community developments. Each post shall feature 3+ interesting projects and an interview with someone from the community.

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