This Week In React #6

18 projects and 9 upcoming events!

Eric Nakagawa
This Week In React
7 min readOct 28, 2016


This Week In React is a weekly publication highlighting interesting projects and active members from the React community.

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Projects aimed at beginning React developers.

🖌 React Daily UI #004 Calculator

The Fullstack React team have released their latest tutorial showing you how to build a calculator. This tutorial demonstrates how to use yarn instead of npm, teaches you about immutable state, and demonstrates how to use sass with create-react-app.

⛱ React Native FoldView (react-native-foldview)

Inspired by this Dribble, Jake built an interactive version in React Native. It is incredibly slick. Collaboration and discussion started on the ReactJS Facebook group. If you’re not a member, join after you check out the project.

▲ Next.js Server Rendered Universal Webapp

The team at Zeit released Next.js, a small framework for building server-rendered webapps. Their documentation is easy to follow. All around 💯. They also provide a good starter example .

👆 React Native Touchbar (react-native-touchbar)

Apple’s announcement that they’ve removed the function-row and escape key upset many of the developers that depend on it for their programming style. With this project, Dima provides a great starting point for easily quickly iterating on your Touchbar designs!

😍 Emoji Picker Component (emoji-mart)

We here at TWIR love Emoji. Adding support to your React app is now as easy as adding this component. No more having to manually type, map, and organize emoji to let your customers and users express themselves.

The project supports emoji sets from Apple, Google, Twitter, and Emoji One.

🎼 Responsive Audio Player (react-responsive-audio-player)

A responsive component to help play audio.

📺 React Native Apple TV (apple-tv-example)

Juan details how to begin building apps for Apple TV using React Native.

🌲 Sortable Tree in React (react-sortable-tree)

A neat drag and droppable visualization for representing hierarchical data.

🏠 Creating Universal Apps With React Native

This tutorial shows you how to build a isometric app for Windows.

Follow new React developments happening at Microsoft here.

📊 Charts in React Native (react-native-svg)

Christoph demonstrates how to create reusable chart components using react-native-svg and d3.js.

💰 Interviewing For A React Job?

A lengthy overview of the types of questions you can expect when interviewing for a job as a ReactJS developer.

📙 Build React Native Apps for Ubuntu (react-native)

Ubuntu has now added support for running React Native applications.

Projects aimed at intermediate React developers.

🌩️ Publish React Native Applications Over The Air with Electrode

Traditionally, mobile app updates were handled by the app store. With React Native, you are able to update your app over the air. Walmart just open sourced Electrode OTA to deliver app update rollouts as well as rollback versions in case of unexpected issues.

🚩 React Native Push Notifications with OneSignal

Push Notifications, used correctly, are an important element of successful mobile applications. This detailed tutorial shows you how to add Push Notification support to your React Native application. The tutorial is lengthy, but the pay off is worth it!

🚥 State Driven Routing

This article outlines a lightweight approach for using state to manage navigation within your web app.

🏖 Adding Offline Support And Network resilience (Part 3 in series)

Addy’s third entry in his Progressive Web App series covers adding offline support and network resilient functionality.

🚀 Optimizing React Rendering Through Virtualization

This article discusses how you can further optimizing React performance by rendering only what is visible. This article mentions using react-virtualization to easily handle your many objects on screen.

🤔 Is Model-View-Controller Dead On The Front End?

Alex shares an opinion piece about the future of web development and how MVC may no longer be relevant for single page app development.

React Events from all across the world.


Do you know about a React event coming up in the next 2 months?

This Week in React is a weekly publication that aims to provide interesting videos, links, and interviews to help you quickly catch up on the latest React community developments. Each post shall feature 3+ interesting projects and an interview with someone from the community.

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