This Week In React #8

16 projects and stories — 9 upcoming events!

Eric Nakagawa
This Week In React
6 min readNov 12, 2016


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🗺 React Native announces Public Roadmap

See where the React Native community is headed, learn about a new <Button /> component you can use for quickly building your mobile applications, and learn how yarn can speed new project setup (by 3x) and speed up automated builds.

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Projects aimed at beginning developers.

📝 Part 4: Building a Todo App With create-react-app

Edem continues his Building a Todo App using create-react-app.

💎 General Troubleshooting + React on Rails (react-on-rails)

Justin provides a brief list of tips and links for helping you troubleshoot your React application. He also introduces the React on Rails project.

👓 Creating an Accessible Tab Component With React

Andreas shares how to make your React components accessible to people that use web pages to support Aria and tools like VoiceOver and Keyboard Navigation to allow multiple methods for navigation.

🕐 What We Learned After Using React Native For a Year

A team shares many lessons learned building in React Native. They go deep into issues you and your team will experience. Lots of wisdom experienced first hand.

📍 React Waypoint (react-waypoint)

A React Component to Execute a function whenever you scroll to an element.

☝️ React Event Components(react-event-components)

A set of React components designed to handle global events from keyboard, touch, and mouse/trackpad.

🔶 SVG To React (svg-to-react-cli)

Convert an SVG into a Component.

🖼 React Component to PNG Converter (repng)

A handy tool to convert a Component into a PNG! This could be useful for lots of applications. One interesting use case would be to render components to PNG to track of how components evolved over life of project.

⚖ React, Redux and react-redux

Jilles’ tutorial compares three methods for building a React web app: React only, React + Redux, and React + Redux + react-redux.

🍰 Math: The React.js Way (react-real-math)

A fun project that converts mathematic functions into React components.

Projects aimed at intermediate developers.

🌍 Tracking user actions using Google Analytics and React Redux

Gildas demonstrates how to use Redux to send events to Google Analytics.

🌏 Using Fetch As Google for SEO

Must read! Patrick investigates how Google treats React websites.

🗂 Implementing FoldView in React Native

Jake documents his journey taking react-native-foldview from idea, to prototype, to published project on github. This component is slick!

👚 Linting For React Native

Linting can help you improve the quality of the code your team produces. Matt shares how you can use your IDE to add Linting to your React Native project.

🚀 Introduction to React Native Performance w/ Tal Kol of Wix

A great introduction React Native as well as tips for developing with performance in mind. The meat of his talk can also be found at this post.

React Events from all across the world.

This Week in React is a weekly publication that aims to provide interesting videos, links, and interviews to help you quickly catch up on the latest React community developments. Each post shall feature 3+ interesting projects and an interview with someone from the community.

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