Wagyu Beef, Grown in the Lab

Cell Crunch (Issue 2021.03.26)

Niko McCarty
Published in
5 min readMar 28, 2021


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This graphic was made by Davey Ho. Feel free to use and adapt the illustration (with attribution) for non-commercial purposes.

By forces seemingly antagonistic and destructive Nature accomplishes her beneficent designs — now a flood of fire, now a flood of ice, now a flood of water; and again in the fullness of time an outburst of organic life.

— John Muir

📰 Bioengineering in the News

Idea: Watermelons that grow on trees. Terrifying.

BIOTECH BATCH: Y Combinator has a new batch of startups. An article in Tech Crunch gives a nice overview for each of them. Tech Crunch. Link (A separate article takes a deeper dive on a specific startup in the batch; a company called Orbillion Bio is growing high-end meats — think wagyu, elk and lamb — in the lab.)

WEARABLE SENSORS: Jim Collins talks “living materials” that can diagnose diseases and sense microbes in an article for the National Institutes of Health’s biweekly newsletter. NIH Record. Link

BIOTECH’S NEW DEAL: Biotechnology can help usher in a “Green New Deal,” Isaac Larkin explained in a detailed report last year. Larkin highlights how synthetic biology is improving…



Niko McCarty
Editor for

Science journalism at NYU. Previously Caltech, Imperial College. #SynBio newsletter: Web: